What is the Pledge of Allegiance to the Guatemalan Flag?

La Jura bandera de Guatemala

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Guatemalan flag is a civic act of deep patriotic significance, celebrated annually on August 17.

This event not only reaffirms loyalty to national values but also serves as a moment of union and reflection on the meaning of being Guatemalan, especially for those who reside outside the country.

History and Origin of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

The pledge of allegiance to the flag has its roots in the patriotic and educational fervor promoted by President Jorge Ubico, who governed Guatemala from 1931 to 1944.

Ubico, in his attempt to strengthen nationalism and respect for patriotic symbols, promoted the creation of this oath, which was originally written by Alberto Velásquez Günther, a distinguished poet and economist from Quetzaltenango.

The poem, initially titled “Salute to the Flag”, was designed to be recited by children and young people at schools and public events, with the aim of instilling an enduring sense of loyalty and devotion to the nation from an early age.

This practice has been maintained and is an integral part of the civic acts in the educational establishments of the republic.

The Pledge of Allegiance Poem

The text of the oath is a powerful reminder of the values that the Guatemalan flag represents:

Our flag,

to you we swear an everlasting devotion,

perennial loyalty, honor, sacrifice and

hope until the hour of our death.

In the name of blood and soil,

we vow to uphold your excellency above all things;

in prosperous days and in adverse days;

watch and even die,

because you wave perpetually over a worthy homeland.

This oath not only underlines the loyalty and honor that Guatemalans owe to their flag and, by extension, to their country, but also the commitment to protect and value the homeland in all circumstances.

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The Pledge of Allegiance today

Today, the Pledge of Allegiance is still a living practice in Guatemala and among the diaspora communities. For Guatemalans living in the United States, this act becomes an emotional and cultural connection with their homeland, reinforcing national identity and patriotic pride in a multicultural context.

The oath ceremony offers Guatemalans abroad an opportunity to transmit to new generations the love and respect for their country, ensuring that the values instilled through the oath will endure, regardless of their place of residence.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Guatemalan flag is more than a ritual; it is a renewed commitment to the ideals of freedom, justice and loyalty that the flag symbolizes.

Through this ceremony, Guatemalans, both at home and abroad, reaffirm their dedication to a dignified and prosperous homeland, demonstrating that distance does not weaken their love and commitment to Guatemala.

This act remains an essential component of Guatemalan education and culture, reminding all citizens of the value of their heritage and the importance of their contribution to the well-being and integrity of their nation.

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