Criminal Record Certificates for Guatemalans in the U.S.

Certificado de antecedentes penales

For Guatemalans residing in the United States, obtaining a Guatemalan criminal record certificate is a crucial process that may be required for employment, legal proceedings, and other administrative purposes.

This document verifies the lack of criminal record and is a proof of a person’s moral solvency.

Why is a Criminal Record Important?

Criminal history certificates are essential for several reasons:

  • Trust and Confidence: Provides assurance to employers and authorities that the individual has no history of criminal activity.
  • Legal Requirement: They are necessary to complete certain legal and administrative procedures in both Guatemala and the USA.
  • Personal Protection: Helps protect personal and professional integrity by confirming the individual’s legal status.

Understanding and managing the obtaining of these documents is vital to maintain a good legal stature and facilitate various processes abroad.

Process to Obtain Criminal Records Online from Guatemala for U.S. Residents.

Requesting a criminal record certificate online from Guatemala is a straightforward and completely free process that does not require the use of processors and can be done easily from anywhere. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Completing the Complaint Deployment Form

  • Go to the Public Prosecutor’s Office website and fill out the form to submit a complaint. Be sure to fill out the form with the information that appears on your DPI. Access here:
criminal record form

Step 2: Submitting Documentation

  • You must send a legible copy of your DPI from your personal email to the following email: This is because the procedure is personal. If you do not have a DPI, you can send a copy of your birth certificate or passport. Make sure the photos are clear.
  • In the subject line of the e-mail, please indicate that you have already filled out the form of proof of complaint.
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Step 3: Receipt of Criminal Records

  • The corresponding unit will process your request and, once they have the information, they will send you a copy of your criminal record from the Public Prosecutor’s Office to your e-mail address. This document will include a QR code and you will simply need to print it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to receive the criminal records?

  • The response and document submission is generally completed in a short time once all necessary information and documentation has been received and verified.

What do I do if I do not receive the document in the expected time?

  • If you do not receive the document within a reasonable period of time, be sure to check your spam or junk mail folder. If the document still does not appear, you can contact the Public Prosecutor’s Office directly to check the status of your application.

Are there any costs associated with the criminal record application?

  • No, the procedure is completely free of charge. You don’t need to pay any fees or processors.
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